Einzelansicht eines Moduls

Modul (auslaufend) (6 Credits)

Business Model Innovation, Entrepreneurship, & AI

Wichtige Änderungen im Modul

Das Modul wird einmalig im Wintersemester 2024/25 angeboten.

Name im Diploma Supplement
Business Model Innovation, Entrepreneurship, & AI
Siehe Prüfungsordnung.
180 Stunden studentischer Workload gesamt, davon:
  • Präsenzzeit: 60 Stunden
  • Vorbereitung, Nachbereitung: 60 Stunden
  • Prüfungsvorbereitung: 60 Stunden
Das Modul erstreckt sich über 1 Semester.

Students will:

  • Understand the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, crowdfunding, and innovation.
  • Discuss the impacts of digitalization and artificial intelligence on innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • Learn classical and AI tools to generate and enhance ideas in a business context, as well as sense and develop own entrepreneurial ideas.
  • Be able to (re-)design and iterate business models as well as linked processes and forms of organizing.
  • Acquire a deep understanding of how to develop a business plan for acquiring funding and a campaign plan used in crowdfunding.
  • Be able to craft a campaign and a business plan for a start-up.
  • Gain practical experience by applying the learnings to their own business idea and pitch this in front of a jury of experts.
  • Learn and use presentation-, AI-, and videomaking-tools to present their idea to relevant stakeholders.

The course provides practical knowledge on organization and process redesign, marketing, especially digital marketing, logistics and controlling, business planning and forecasting, and finally on leadership and project management. The skills acquired are relevant in a corporate intrapreneurial contexts, in classical entrepreneurship and start-ups, and in crowd-based venturing.


There is a module-related portfolio examination, which covers the following forms of examination: seminar paper (business & campaign plan, 12,5% of the module grade), equity-audience pitch [presentation] (12,5% of the module grade), and crowd-audience content: ignition video (18,75% of the module grade), campaign content video (18,75% of the module grade), (mock) website visualization video (18,75% of the module grade), and a video documenting the workflow and AI tool used (18,75% of the module grade).

Verwendung in Studiengängen
  • BWLVertiefungsstudiumWahlpflichtbereichVertiefungsbereich Betriebswirtschaftslehre4.-6. FS, Wahlpflicht
  • LA gbF/kbF BK BaBachelorprüfung in der großen beruflichen FachrichtungWahlpflichtbereich Betriebswirtschaftslehre5. FS, Wahlpflicht
  • LA WiWi BKWahlpflichtbereich BWL, VWL, RechtBereich BWL1.-3. FS, Wahlpflicht
  • VWLVertiefungsstudiumWahlpflichtbereichBereich BWL, Recht, Wirtschaftsinformatik, InformatikVertiefungsbereich Betriebswirtschaftslehre4.-6. FS, Wahlpflicht
Name im Diploma Supplement
Business Model Innovation, Entrepreneurship, & AI
maximale Hörerschaft
empfohlenes Vorwissen

Basic knowledge in business studies, especially organization, marketing, and finance.


Today’s economic landscape is strongly influenced by highly innovative ventures. This development is driven by rapid technological change and digitization. This implies that existing firms, large and small, family-owned or widely held, as well as new or established will need to entrepreneurially adapt their businesses and manage innovation processes. Hence, these entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial skills combined with the state of the art in innovation management and an understanding of digital business are seen as key competencies of entrepreneurs but also (future) top level executives in today’s fast-moving, networked business world. Therefore, the focus of this course is to supply students with a deep understanding of the theoretical foundations of entrepreneurship and practical tools to create ideas and start their own business in the digital age. Light is particularly shed on new digital forms of entrepreneurship, especially crowdfunding and crowd interaction, competitive positioning and advantage in entrepreneurial firms, and strategic dimensions of recent developments in the market such as digitalization or artificial intelligence, and their implications for new ventures, family firms, and business models. Students will have the chance to understand and train related tools and topics while developing and presenting their own business idea.


Students will not only learn the theoretical foundations of entrepreneurship and starting-up, crowdfunding, crowd interaction, and innovation management, but they will also learn practical approaches and tools. They will have the chance to apply these learnings for developing and pitching their own business ideas hands-on, with a focus on a digital and crowdfunded environment. The learned skills allow entrepreneurs to successfully enter the market with their own businesses, but also enable “corporate entrepreneurs” to support existing firms in developing new products, services, and innovation strategies helping them to stay ahead of competition. The module is thereby suitable for individuals thriving to engage in either innovative intrapreneurial thinking within existing companies or in setting up their own entrepreneurial ventures.


Ahrens, J. P., Isaak, A., Istipliler, B., & Steininger, D. M. (2019). The Star Citizen phenomenon & the" ultimate dream management" technique in crowdfunding. In ICIS Proceedings (pp. Paper-1959). AISeL.

didaktisches Konzept

Interactive teaching sessions with presentations, discussions and lectures. The course is partly lecture-style (introduction to topic, theory, and methods) and partly requires the active participation of the students (presentation and discussion) and active work by students for crafting the material related to the examination.

Vorlesung: Business Model Innovation, Entrepreneurship, & AI (WIWI‑C1256)
Name im Diploma Supplement
Business Model Innovation, Entrepreneurship, & AI
maximale Hörerschaft
empfohlenes Vorwissen

Basic knowledge in business studies, especially organization, marketing, and finance.


Students receive in depth start-up idea consulting.


See lecture


See lecture

didaktisches Konzept

Interactive and in-depth feedback and coaching sessions with joint discussions. Requires active work by students for crafting the start-up idea and respective material.

Übung: Business Model Innovation, Entrepreneurship, & AI (WIWI‑C1257)
Modul: Business Model Innovation, Entrepreneurship, & AI (WIWI‑M0963)