Überlick über die englischen Bezeichnungen der Lehrveranstaltungen
Diese Seite zeigt alle Veranstaltungen die sich aktuell im System befinden mit der hinterlegten Sprache und dem englischen Titel für das Diploma-Supplement. Beachten Sie bitte, dass hier auch einzelne, nicht mehr in den Modulhandbüchern existierende Veranstaltungen stehen können (wobei dies auf der anderen Seite auch keine vollständige Historie aller Veranstaltungen ist).
Name of the course | Name in diploma supplement | Type of course | Lecturers | Language |
Absatzmarketing | Sales Marketing | Lecture | Schröder, | German |
Absatzmarketing | Sales Marketing | Exercise | Schröder, | German |
Academic Writing in English | Academic Writing in English | Exercise | Prüfer, | English |
Advanced Forecasting in Energy Markets | Advanced Forecasting in Energy Markets | Seminar | Ziel, | English |
Advanced R for Econometricians | Advanced R for Econometricians | Lecture with integrated exercise | Hanck, Arnold, Gerber, | English |
Amtliche Statistik | Official Statistics | Lecture with integrated exercise | Schmidt, | German |
Angewandte Marktforschung | Applied Market Research | Lecture with integrated Seminar | Schröder, Mitarbeiter/-innen des Lehrstuhls oder Lehrbeauftragter , | German |
Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten | Seminar | Amann, | German | |
Applied Labour Economics | Applied Labour Economics | Lecture with integrated exercise | Kühnle, | English |
Arbeitsrecht | Labour Law | Lecture | Hamann, | German |
Arbeitsrecht | Labour Law | Exercise | Hamann, | German |
Arbeitsrecht I | Labour Law I | Lecture | Hamann, | German |
Arbeitsrecht I | Labour Law I | Exercise | Hamann, | German |
Arbeitsrecht II | Labour Law II | Lecture | Hamann, | German |
Arbeitsrecht II | Labour Law II | Exercise | Hamann, | German |
Arzthaftungsrecht sowie privatärztliches Gebührenrecht | Medical Liability Law and Law on Private Physician Fees | Lecture | Hackert, Ostheide, | German |
Asset Management | Asset Management | Lecture | Jacobs, | German |
Asset Management | Asset Management | Exercise | Jacobs, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen, | German |
Außercurriculare berufsvorbereitende Schlüsselqualifikation durch aktive Mitarbeit bei "act e.V." | Extra-curricular Vocational Preparation Soft Skills through active Participation in "act e.V." | Internship | Amann, | German |
Ausgewählte Fragestellungen der Internationalen Rechnungslegung | Selected issues in international accounting using IFRS | Lecture with integrated exercise | Stuers, | German |
Ausgewählte Fragestellungen des Marketings | Selected Questions of the Marketing | Seminar | Schröder, | German |
Ausgewählte Themen der Politikwissenschaften | Selected Topics in Political Science | Lecture with integrated exercise | Dozenten des Instituts für Politikwissenschaft, | German |
Bayesian Econometrics | Bayesian Econometrics | Lecture | Hanck, | English |
Bayesian Econometrics | Bayesian Econometrics | Exercise | Hanck, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter(innen), | English |
Behavioral Finance | Behavioral Finance | Lecture | Jacobs, | English |
Behavioral Finance | Behavioral Finance | Exercise | Jacobs, | English |
Berechenbarkeit und Komplexität | Computability and complexity | Lecture | König, | German |
Berechenbarkeit und Komplexität | Computability and complexity | Exercise | König, | German |
Berufsbildenden Wirtschaftsunterricht planen, vorbereiten und evaluieren | Seminar | Retzmann, | German | |
Berufsbildender Unterricht in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung | Seminar | Retzmann, | German | |
Berufsfeldpraktikum | Seminar | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter oder Lehrbeauftragte des Lehrstuhls für Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Didaktik der Wirtschaftslehre, | German | |
Berufsmoralische Bildung in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung | Seminar | Retzmann, | German | |
Betrieb und Regelung elektrischer Netze | Lecture with integrated exercise | Erlich , | German | |
Brennstoffzellensysteme in der dezentralen Energieversorgung | Lecture with integrated exercise | Heinzel, | German | |
Business English Intensive Course Advanced | Business English Intensive Course Advanced | Exercise | Prüfer, | English |
Business English Intensive Course Intermediate | Business English Intensive Course Intermediate | Exercise | Prüfer, | English |
Business English Intensive Course Upper-Intermediate | Business English Intensive Course Upper-Intermediate | Exercise | Prüfer, | English |
Business Model Innovation, Entrepreneurship, & AI | Business Model Innovation, Entrepreneurship, & AI | Lecture | Ahrens, | English |
Business Model Innovation, Entrepreneurship, & AI | Business Model Innovation, Entrepreneurship, & AI | Exercise | Ahrens, | English |
Category Management und Shopper Marketing in Theorie und Praxis | Category Management and Shopper Marketing in Theory and Practice | Lecture with integrated Seminar | Schröder, Mitarbeiter/-innen des Lehrstuhls, | German |
Category Management und Shopper Marketing – das Praktikum | Category Management and Shopper Marketing – the Internship | Internship | Schröder, | German |
Category Management und Shopper Marketing – die Fallstudien | Category Management and Shopper Marketing – the Case Studies | Seminar | Schröder, | German |
Causality and Programme Evaluation | Causality and Programme Evaluation | Lecture with integrated exercise | Karlsson, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter(innen), | English |
Computergestützte Methoden | Statistics and Computing | Lecture | Behr, | German |
Computergestützte Methoden | Statistics and Computing | Exercise | Behr, | German |
Corporate Finance | Corporate Finance | Lecture | Jacobs, | English |
Corporate Finance | Corporate Finance | Exercise | Jacobs, | English |
Current Topics in Empirical Analysis | Current Topics in Empirical Analysis | Lecture with integrated Seminar | Lehrbeauftragte, Gastdozent:innen, | English |
Current Topics in Health Economic Research | Current Topics in Health Economic Research | Lecture with integrated Seminar | Lehrbeauftragte, Gastdozent:innen, Cuellar, | English |
Data Science in Marketing und Handel | Data Science in Marketing and Retail | Lecture with integrated Seminar | Knobloch, | German |
Deskriptive Statistik | Descriptive Statistics | Lecture with integrated exercise | Behr, Hanck, | German |
Die öffentliche Verwaltung im europäischen Kontext | Public Administration in the European Context | Seminar | Dose, | German |
Digital Finance | Digital Finance | Lecture | Dorlöchter, | German |
Digital Finance | Digital Finance | Seminar | Dorlöchter, | German |
Digitale Medien | Digital Media | Lecture | Masuch, | German |
Digitale Medien | Digital Media | Exercise | Masuch, | German |
Digitalstrategien von Kliniken und erfolgreiches Management (MM8) | Digital Strategies of Healthcare Providers and Successful Management (MM8) | Lecture | Meier, | German |
Distributed Systems | Distributed Systems | Lecture with integrated exercise | Weis, | English |
Dokumentation medizinischer Systeme | Documentation of medical systems | Seminar | Dozenten der Medizin, | German |
Dynamische Makroökonomik | Dynamic Macroeconomics | Lecture | Lamla, | German |
Dynamische Makroökonomik | Dynamic Macroeconomics | Exercise | Lamla, | German |
Econometrics of Electricity Markets | Econometrics of Electricity Markets | Lecture | Ziel, | English |
Econometrics of Electricity Markets | Econometrics of Electricity Markets | Exercise | Ziel, | English |
Economics and Psychology | Economics and Psychology | Lecture with integrated exercise | Altmann, | English |
Einführung in das Medizinmanagement (MM1) | Introduction to Medical Management (MM1) | Lecture with integrated exercise | Wasem, Neumann, Walendzik, | German |
Einführung in die Betriebswirtschaftslehre | Introduction to Business Administration (lecture) | Lecture | Weber, | German |
Einführung in die Betriebswirtschaftslehre | Introduction to Business Administration (lecture) | Lecture | Schröder, Weber, | German |
Einführung in die Energiewirtschaft | Energy Economics | Lecture | Weber, | German |
Einführung in die Energiewirtschaft | Energy Economics | Exercise | Weber, | German |
Einführung in die experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung | Introduction to Experimental Economics | Lecture with integrated exercise | Altmann, | German |
Einführung in die Gesundheitsökonomik: Empirische Studien | Introduction to Health Economics: Empirical Studies | Lecture with integrated exercise | Karlsson, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter(innen), | German |
Einführung in die Gesundheitsökonomik: Theorie und Politik | Introduction to Health Economics: Theory and Policy | Lecture with integrated exercise | Karlsson, Kronenberg, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter(innen), | German |
Einführung in die Ökonometrie | Introduction to Econometrics | Lecture | Hanck, Hoga, | German |
Einführung in die Ökonometrie | Introduction to Econometrics | Exercise | Hanck, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter(innen), | German |
Einführung in die Praktische Philosophie I: Normative Ethik und Metaethik | Lecture | Roughley, | German | |
Einführung in die Praktische Philosophie I: Normative Ethik und Metaethik | Basic Course | Roughley, | German | |
Einführung in die Praktische Philosophie II: Angewandte Ethik, Politische Philosophie, Rechtsphilosophie, Handlungstheorie | Lecture | Hallich, | German | |
Einführung in die Spieltheorie | Lecture | Amann, | German | |
Einführung in die Spieltheorie | Exercise | Amann, | German | |
Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre | Introduction to Economics (Lecture) | Lecture | Rau, | German |
Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre | Introduction to Economics (Exercise Course) | Exercise | Rau, | German |
Einführung in die Wirtschaftsdidaktik | Lecture | Retzmann, Spitzner, | German | |
Einführung in die Wirtschaftsdidaktik | Exercise | Retzmann, Spitzner, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter(innen), | German | |
Einführung in Optionen, Futures und derivative Finanzinstrumente | Lecture Introduction to Options, Futures and Derivatives | Lecture | Kiesel, | German |
Einführung in Optionen, Futures und derivative Finanzinstrumente | Exercises Introduction to Options Futures and Derivatives | Exercise | Kiesel, | German |
Electricity, District Heating, Renewable Energy | Electricity, District Heating, Renewable Energy | Exercise | Weber, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter:innen, | English |
Electricity, Renewables and District Heating | Electricity, Renewables and District Heating | Lecture | Weber, Böcker, Bucksteeg, | English |
Embedded Systems | Embedded Systems | Lecture | Schiele, | German |
Embedded Systems | Embedded Systems | Practical Exercise | Schiele, | German |
Empirie der internationalen Geld- und Finanzmärkte | Empirics of International Money and Financial Markets | Lecture | Lamla, | English |
Empirie der internationalen Geld- und Finanzmärkte | Empirics of International Money and Financial Markets | Exercise | Lamla, | English |
Empirische Bilanzanalyse | Empirical Balance Sheet Analysis | Lecture | Behr, | German |
Empirische Bilanzanalyse | Empirical Balance Sheet Analysis | Exercise | Behr, | German |
Empirische Methoden | Empirical Methods | Lecture | Behr, | German |
Empirische Methoden | Empirical Methods | Exercise | Behr, | German |
Empirische Studie in Form eines Projektes | Empirical Study as a Project | Seminar | Dozenten der Volkswirtschaftslehre, | German/Englisch |
Energie- und Immobilienmanagement | Energy and Real-Estate Management | Lecture | Weber, | German |
Energie- und Immobilienmanagement | Energy and Real-Estate Management | Exercise | Weber und Mitarbeiter, | German |
Energy Forecasting Competition | Energy Forecasting Competition | Lecture with integrated Seminar | Ziel, | English |
Energy Markets and Price Formation | Energy Markets and Price Formation | Lecture | Weber, | English |
Energy Markets and Price Formation | Energy Markets and Price Formation | Exercise | Weber, | English |
Energy Trading | Lecture Energy Trading | Lecture | Kiesel, | English |
Energy Trading | Exercises Energy Trading | Exercise | Kiesel, | English |
English for Presentations, Applications, and Interviews | English for Presentations, Applications, and Interviews | Seminar | Prüfer, | English |
Entscheidungstheorie | Decision Theory | Lecture | Amann, | German |
Entscheidungstheorie | Decision Theory | Exercise | Amann, | German |
Epidemiologie, medizinische Biometrie und medizinische Informatik | Epidemiology, Medical Biometry and Medical Informatics | Lecture | Stang, | German |
Epidemiologie, medizinische Biometrie und medizinische Informatik | Epidemiology, Medical Biometry and Medical Informatics | Exercise | Kowall, | German |
Europäische Geld- und Währungspolitik | European Monetary Policy | Lecture | Lamla, | German |
Europäische Geld- und Währungspolitik | European Monetary Policy | Exercise | Lamla, | German |
Experimental Economics | Experimental Economics | Lecture with integrated Seminar | Altmann, | English |
Externes Rechnungswesen | Financial Reporting | Lecture | Kasperzak, | German |
Externes Rechnungswesen | Financial Reporting | Exercise | Kasperzak, | German |
Fachseminar Arbeit, Personal und Organisation | Subject Seminar Work, Human Resources and Organization | Seminar | Ahrens, | English |
Fachseminar Empirische Gesundheitsökonomik | Seminar Empirical Health Economics | Seminar | Kühnle, | German |
Fachseminar Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung | Seminar Empirical Economics | Seminar | Otten, | German |
Fachseminar Finanzwirtschaft | Seminar in Finance | Seminar | Jacobs, | German |
Fachseminar Finanzwissenschaft | Seminar Public Finance | Seminar | Strohmaier, | German |
Fachseminar Geld und Währung | Seminar Monetary Policy | Seminar | Lamla, | German/Englisch |
Fachseminar Gesundheitsökonomik | Seminar Health Economics | Seminar | Karlsson, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter(innen), | German/Englisch |
Fachseminar Gesundheitsökonomik | Seminar Health Economics | Seminar | Karlsson, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter(innen), | German/Englisch |
Fachseminar Health and Development | Seminar Health and Development | Seminar | Kühnle, | English |
Fachseminar Internationale Rechnungslegung | Seminar International Accounting | Seminar | Kasperzak, | German |
Fachseminar Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen | Seminar in International Economics | Seminar | Clausen, | German |
Fachseminar Labour Economics and Public Policy | Seminar Labour Economics and Public Policy | Seminar | Otten, | German/Englisch |
Fachseminar Marketing und Handel | Seminar Marketing and Retailing | Seminar | Schröder, | German |
Fachseminar Medizinmanagement | Seminar Health Care Management | Seminar | Wasem, Augurzky, | German |
Fachseminar Medizinmanagement | Seminar Health Care Management | Seminar | Wasem, | German |
Fachseminar Monetäre Ökonomik | Seminar Monetary Economics | Seminar | Lamla, | German/Englisch |
Fachseminar Ökonometrie | Seminar Econometrics | Seminar | Hanck, | German |
Fachseminar Ökonometrische Methoden | Seminar Econometric Methods | Seminar | Hanck, | German/Englisch |
Fachseminar Ökonometrische Modelle Internationaler Wirtschaftsbeziehungen | Seminar in Advanced International Economics | Seminar | Clausen, | German |
Fachseminar Quantitative Wirtschaftspolitik | Seminar Quantitative Economic Policy | Seminar | Rau, | German |
Fachseminar Soziale Sicherung und Besteuerung: empirische Studien und eigene Projekte | Seminar Social Security and Taxation: Empirical Studies and own Research | Seminar | Strohmaier, | German/Englisch |
Fachseminar Statistik | Seminar in Statistics | Seminar | Behr, | German |
Fachseminar Steuerlehre | Seminar Taxation | Seminar | Schmiel, | German |
Fachseminar Wirtschaftsrecht | Seminar | Seminar | Hamann, | German |
Fachseminar Wirtschaftstheorie | Seminar Economic Theory | Seminar | Amann, | German |
Fachtutorium | Student Tutorial | Tutorial Activities | Dozentinnen und Dozenten der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, | German |
Fallstudienseminar Internationale Rechnungslegung | Case Studies International Accounting | Seminar | Kasperzak, | German |
Financial Econometrics | Financial Econometrics | Lecture | Hoga, | English |
Financial Econometrics | Financial Econometrics | Exercise | Hoga, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter(innen), | English |
Financial Mathematics | Lecture Financial Mathematics | Lecture | Kiesel, | English |
Financial Mathematics | Exercises Financial Mathematics | Exercise | Kiesel und Mitarbeiter, | English |
Financial Risk Management | Lecture Financial Risk Management | Lecture | Kiesel, | English |
Financial Risk Management | Exercises Financial Risk Management | Exercise | Kiesel, | English |
Finanzwissenschaftliche Steuerlehre | Fiscal Taxation | Lecture | Strohmaier, | German |
Finanzwissenschaftliche Steuerlehre | Fiscal Taxation | Exercise | Strohmaier, | German |
Formale Aspekte der Software-Sicherheit und Kryptographie | Formal Aspects of Software Security and Cryptography | Lecture with integrated exercise | König, | German |
GAMS Seminar | GAMS Seminar | Seminar | Weber, Böcker, | German |
Geld- und Währungstheorie und -politik | Monetary Theory and Policy | Lecture | Lamla, Groiss, | German |
Geld- und Währungstheorie und -politik | Monetary Theory and Policy | Exercise | Lamla, Groiss, | German |
General Equilibrium Models of Open Economies | General Equilibrium Models of Open Economies | Lecture | Clausen, | English |
General Equilibrium Models of Open Economies | General Equilibrium Models of Open Economies | Exercise | Clausen, | English |
Gesellschaftsrecht | Company Law | Lecture | Hamann, | German |
Gesellschaftsrecht | Company Law | Exercise | Hamann, | German |
Gesundheitsökonomische Evaluation und Outcome Research (MM5) | Health Economic Evaluation and Outcome Research | Lecture with practical Exercise | Wasem, Neumann, | German |
Gesundheitspolitik und Gesundheitssystemvergleich (MM4) | Health Care Policy and Comparison of Health Care Systems (MM4) | Lecture with integrated exercise | Wasem, | German |
Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht | Intellectual Property and Copyright | Lecture | Becker, | German |
Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht | Intellectual Property and Copyright | Exercise | Becker, | German |
Gewinnermittlung und Gewinnermittlungspolitik | Profit Determination and Profit Policy | Lecture | Schmiel, | German |
Gewinnermittlung und Gewinnermittlungspolitik | Profit Determination and Profit Policy | Exercise | Schmiel, | German |
Grundlagen der Finanzwissenschaft | Lecture: Public Finance – Introduction | Lecture | Strohmaier, | German |
Grundlagen der Finanzwissenschaft | Exercises: Public Finance – Introduction | Exercise | Strohmaier, | German |
Grundlagen der medizinischen Informationsverarbeitung | Principles of medical information processing | Lecture | Nonnemacher, | German |
Grundlagen der medizinischen Informationsverarbeitung | Principles of medical information processing | Exercise | Nonnemacher, | German |
Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsgeographie | Lecture | Juchelka, | German | |
Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsgeographie: Entwicklungen, Tendenzen und regionale Fallbeispiele | Seminar | Juchelka, | German | |
Grundlagen des Krankenhausmanagements (MM2) | Principles of Hospital Management | Lecture with integrated exercise | Wasem, | German |
Grundlagen des Krankenversicherungsmanagements (MM6) | Principles of Health Insurance Management (MM6) | Lecture with integrated exercise | Wasem, Walendzik, | German |
Grundzüge der Unternehmensbesteuerung | Basics of Business Taxation | Lecture | Schmiel, | German |
Grundzüge der Unternehmensbesteuerung | Basics of Business Taxation | Exercise | Schmiel, | German |
Handel in Theorie und Praxis | Retailing in Theory and Practice | Lecture with integrated Seminar | Schröder, | German |
Handelsmanagement und Handelscontrolling | Retail Management and Retail Controlling | Lecture with integrated exercise | Schröder, | German |
Handelsrecht | Commercial Law | Lecture | Hamann, | German |
Handelsrecht | Commercial Law | Exercise | Hamann, | German |
Health Care Systems | Health Care Systems | Lecture with integrated Seminar | Augurzky, Cuellar, | English |
Health Economics: The Demand for Health and Health Care Payments | Health Economics: The Demand for Health and Health Care Payments | Lecture with integrated exercise | Karlsson, | English |
Health Economics: The Provision of Health Care Services and Health Insurance | Health Economics: The Provision of Health Care Services and Health Insurance | Lecture with integrated exercise | Karlsson, | English |
Induktive Statistik | Statistical Inference | Lecture with integrated exercise | Behr, Hanck, | German |
Inequality in Health | Inequality in Health | Lecture with integrated exercise | Karlsson, | English |
Informationstechnologierecht (IT-Recht) | Information Technology Law (IT Law) | Lecture | Becker, | German |
Informationstechnologierecht (IT-Recht) | Information Technology Law (IT Law) | Exercise | Becker, | German |
Insolvenzrecht | Insolvency Law | Lecture | Hamann, | German |
Insolvenzrecht | Insolvency Law | Exercise | Hamann, | German |
Instrumente des Handelsmarketings | Instruments of Retail Marketing | Lecture with integrated exercise | Schröder, | German |
International Business Cultures | International Business Cultures | Seminar | Prüfer, | English |
International Capital Movements: Theory and Econometric Evidence | International Capital Movements: Theory and Econometric Evidence | Lecture | Clausen, | English |
International Capital Movements: Theory and Econometric Evidence | International Capital Movements: Theory and Econometric Evidence | Exercise | Clausen, | English |
Internationale Rechnungslegung I: Einführung in die Rechnungslegung nach IFRS | Introduction to Financial Accounting using IFRS | Lecture | Kasperzak, | German |
Internationale Rechnungslegung I: Einführung in die Rechnungslegung nach IFRS | Introduction to Financial Accounting using IFRS | Exercise | Kasperzak, | German |
Internationale Rechnungslegung II: Konzernrechnungslegung | Group Accounting | Lecture | Kasperzak, | German |
Internationale Rechnungslegung II: Konzernrechnungslegung | Group Accounting | Exercise | Kasperzak, | German |
Internationale Rechnungslegung III: Bilanzierung von Unternehmensakquisitionen | Merger Accounting | Lecture | Kasperzak, | German |
Internationale Rechnungslegung III: Bilanzierung von Unternehmensakquisitionen | Merger Accounting | Exercise | Kasperzak, | German |
Internationale Rechnungslegung IV: Kapitalmarktorientierte Unternehmenspublizität | Business Reporting | Lecture | Kasperzak, | German |
Internationale Rechnungslegung IV: Kapitalmarktorientierte Unternehmenspublizität | Business Reporting | Exercise | Kasperzak, | German |
Internet-Technologie und Web Engineering | Internet-Technologie and Web Engineering | Lecture | Weis, | German |
Internet-Technologie und Web Engineering | Internet-Technologie and Web Engineering | Exercise | Weis, | German |
Introductory Labour Economics | Introductory Labour Economics | Lecture with integrated exercise | Kühnle, | English |
Investition und Finanzierung | Investment and Financing | Lecture | Jacobs, | German |
Investition und Finanzierung | Investment and Financing | Exercise | Jacobs, | German |
Käuferverhalten | Shopper Behavior | Lecture with integrated Seminar | Schröder, | German |
Käuferverhalten im Einzelhandel | Shopper Behavior in the Retail Sector | Lecture with integrated exercise | Schröder, | German |
Kausalanalyse | Causal Analysis | Lecture | Hanck, | German |
Kausalanalyse | Causal Analysis | Exercise | Hanck, | German |
Key Business Skills | Key Business Skills | Seminar | Prüfer, | English |
KI für alle: Einführung in die künstliche Intelligenz | AI for all: introduction to artificial intelligence | Lecture with integrated exercise | Theune, | German |
Klimaschutz und Fossile Energieträger | Climate Protection and Fossil Fuels | Lecture | Weber, Böcker, | German |
Klimaschutz und Fossile Energieträger | Climate Protection and Fossil Fuels | Exercise | Weber, | German |
Kompetenzorientierten Wirtschaftsunterricht planen, vorbereiten und evaluieren | Seminar | Retzmann, | German | |
Kompetenzorientierter Wirtschaftsunterricht | Lecture | Retzmann, | German | |
Kompetenzorientierter Wirtschaftsunterricht | Exercise | Retzmann, | German | |
Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung | Cost Accounting | Lecture | Stuers, | German |
Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung | Cost Accounting | Exercise | Stuers, | German |
Krankenversicherungsmanagement (MM10) | Health Insurance Management (MM10) | Project Seminar with integrated Colloqium | Wasem, | German |
Kundenorientierte Unternehmensführung in Netzwerken | Customer-focused Business Management in Networks | Lecture with integrated exercise | Ahlert, | German |
Labour Economics and Public Policy | Labour Economics and Public Policy | Lecture with integrated exercise | Otten, | English |
Learning Analytics | Learning Analytics | Lecture | Chatti, | English |
Learning Analytics | Learning Analytics | Exercise | Chatti, | English |
Leistungs- und Leistungserbringerrecht in der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung | Law on Benefit Package and Provision of Services in Statutory Health Insurance | Lecture | Uyanik, | German |
Literaturseminar Energiewirtschaft | Seminar "Energy Economics" | Seminar | Weber, Bucksteeg, | German |
Makroökonomik I | Macroeconomics I | Lecture | Lamla, Clausen, | German |
Makroökonomik I | Macroeconomics I | Exercise | Lamla, Clausen, | German |
Makroökonomik II | Macroeconomics II | Lecture | Lamla, Clausen, | German |
Makroökonomik II | Macroeconomics II | Exercise | Lamla, Clausen, | German |
Markt und Gesellschaft – Kritische Perspektiven | Market and Society - Critical Perspectives | Seminar | Behr, Nienhüser, | German |
Markt- und Unternehmensspiel | Trading and Management Game | Seminar | Weber, | German |
Märkte und Unternehmen – eine Einführung | Markets and Firms – an Introduction | Seminar | Nienhüser, Schmiel, Schröder, | German |
Märkte und unternehmerische Verantwortung | Markets and Corporate Responsibility | Seminar | Schmiel, | German |
Marktforschung | Market Research | Lecture with integrated exercise | Schröder, | German |
Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler | Mathematics for Economists | Lecture | Dozent/inn/en der Fakultät für Mathematik, | German |
Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler | Mathematics for Economists | Exercise | Dozent/inn/en der Fakultät für Mathematik, | German |
Medieneinsatz und -gestaltung in der ökonomischen Bildung | Seminar | Retzmann, Spitzner, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen oder Lehrbeauftragte der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, | German | |
Mental Health Economics and Policy | Mental Health Economics and Policy | Seminar | Cuellar, | English |
Methoden der künstlichen Intelligenz und des künstlichen Lebens zur Lösung betriebswirtschaftlicher Probleme | Methods of Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Life for the Solution of Problems of Business Administration | Lecture with integrated Seminar | Klüver, | German |
Methoden der Ökonometrie | Econometric Methods | Lecture | Hanck, Massing, | German |
Methoden der Ökonometrie | Econometric Methods | Exercise | Hanck, | German |
Methoden und Befunde fachdidaktischer Forschung | Seminar | Retzmann, | German | |
Migration Economics | Migration Economics | Lecture with integrated exercise | Bredtmann, | English |
Mikroökonometrie | Microeconometrics | Lecture | Kühnle, | English |
Mikroökonometrie | Microeconometrics | Exercise | Kühnle, | English |
Mikroökonomik I | Microeconomics I | Lecture | Amann, Strohmaier, Otten, | German |
Mikroökonomik I | Microeconomics I | Exercise | Amann, Strohmaier, Otten, | German |
Mikroökonomik II | Microeconomics II | Lecture | Amann, Strohmaier, Kühnle, | German |
Mikroökonomik II | Microeconomics II | Exercise | Amann, Strohmaier, Kühnle, | German |
Monetäre Außenwirtschaft | International Monetary Economics | Lecture | Clausen, | German |
Monetäre Außenwirtschaft | International Monetary Economics | Exercise | Clausen, | German |
Multimedia Systeme | Multimedia Systems | Lecture | Masuch, | German |
Multimedia Systeme | Multimedia Systems | Exercise | Masuch, | German |
Multivariate Zeitreihenanalyse | Multivariate Time Series Analysis | Lecture | Hoga, | German |
Multivariate Zeitreihenanalyse | Multivariate Time Series Analysis | Exercise | Hoga, | German |
Neuere Entwicklungen der Mikroökonomik | Recent Developments in Microeconomics | Colloquium | Amann, | English |
Neuere Entwicklungen in der europäischen Makroökonomie | Recent Developments in European Macroeconomic | Lecture | Baas, | German |
Nonparametric Econometrics | Nonparametric Econometrics | Lecture | Hanck, Hoga, Massing, | English |
Nonparametric Econometrics | Nonparametric Econometrics | Exercise | Hanck, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter(innen), | English |
Ökonomische Wirkungen der Besteuerung im internationalen Kontext | International Taxation and Tax Effects | Lecture with integrated exercise | Nientimp, | German |
Ökonomische Wirkungen der Besteuerung im nationalen Kontext | National Taxation and Tax Effects | Exercise | Schmiel, | German |
Ökonomische Wirkungen der Besteuerung im nationalen Kontext | National Taxation and Tax Effects | Lecture with integrated Colloqium | Schmiel, | German |
Organisation | Organization (lecture) | Lecture | Julmi, | German |
Organisation | Organization (tutorial) | Exercise | Julmi, | German |
Orientierungstutorium | Mentorship for first semester students | Tutorial Activities | Hetmank, | German |
Orientierungswoche | student tutorial: orientation days for first semester students | Tutorial Activities | Hetmank, | German |
Peer-Mentoring | Peer Mentoring | Tutorial Activities | Hetmank, | German |
Personalmanagement | Human Resource Management | Lecture | Danilov, | German |
Personalmanagement | Human Resource Management (tutorial) | Exercise | Danilov, | German |
Philosophie und Wirtschaftswissenschaft | Philosophy and Economics | Seminar | Dozenten der Philosophie, | German |
Portfolio Management | Portfolio Management | Lecture | Ziel, | English |
Portfolio Management | Portfolio Management | Exercise | wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter(innen), | English |
Practising Econometric Research | Practising Econometric Research | Seminar | Hanck, | English |
Praktikum | Internship | Kasperzak, | German | |
Praktikum | Advanced Internship | Internship | Amann, | German |
Praktikum in medizinischen Systemen | Practical course / internship in medical systems | Seminar with integrated Internship | Keyvani, Lehnerdt, | German |
Praxis der Vertragsgestaltung einer Krankenversicherung (MM10a) | Practise of Health Insurance Management (MM10a) | Project Seminar with integrated Colloqium | Jacobs, | German |
Praxis des Krankenhausmanagements (MM8a) | Practice of Hospital Management (MM8a) | Lecture | Kaatze, | German |
Praxis des Managements auf dem Arzneimittelmarkt (MM11a) | Practise of Management on the Pharmaceutical Market (MM11a) | Project Seminar with integrated Colloqium | Hessel, | German |
Praxisprojekt "Apotheke" | Practical Project Pharmacy | Project | Schröder, | German |
Praxisprojekt "Category Management" | Practical Project Category Management | Project | Schröder, | German |
Praxisprojekt "Marketing und Handel I" | Practical Project Marketing and Retailing I | Project | Schröder, | German |
Praxisprojekt "Marketing und Handel II" | Practical Project Marketing and Retailing II | Project | Schröder, | German |
Praxisprojekt "Shopper Marketing" | Practical Project Shopper Marketing | Project | Schröder, | German |
Preistheorie | Price Theory | Lecture | Amann, | German |
Preistheorie | Price Theory | Exercise | Amann, | German |
Professionelles Handeln wissenschaftsbasiert weiterentwickeln aus der Perspektive der Informatik und der Didaktik der Informatik | Seminar | Dozenten aus der Informatik und der Didaktik der Informatik, | German | |
Programmieren in C | Programming in C | Lecture | Schiele, | German |
Programmieren in C | Programming in C | Exercise | Schiele, | German |
Projektseminar Experimentelles Marktdesign | Project Seminar Experimental Market Design | Seminar | Rau, | German |
Proseminar Arbeit, Personal und Organisation | Proseminar Work, Human Resources and Organization | Seminar | Ahrens, | English |
Proseminar Wirtschaftsrecht | Introductory seminar | Seminar | Hamann, | German |
Python in der Energiewirtschaft – Grundlagen | Python in the Energy Industry – Fundamentals | Seminar | Böcker, | German |
Qualitäts- und Risikomanagement im Gesundheitswesen (MM12) | Quality Management and Risk Management in the (Public) Health System (MM12) | Project Seminar with integrated Colloqium | Börchers, | German |
Quantitative Climate Finance | Lecture Quantitative Climate Finance | Lecture | Kiesel, | English |
Quantitative Climate Finance | Exercises Quantitative Climate Finance | Exercise | Kiesel, | English |
Quantitative Modelle internationaler Wirtschaftsbeziehungen | Quantitative Analyses in International Economics | Lecture | Clausen, | German |
Quantitative Modelle internationaler Wirtschaftsbeziehungen | Quantitative Analyses in International Economics | Exercise | Clausen, | German |
Raumsysteme und Standorte wirtschaftlicher Aktivitäten: wirtschaftsgeographische Perspektiven | Spatial Systems and Locations of Economic Activities: Perspectives of Economic Geography | Lecture with integrated Seminar | Juchelka, Schulte-Derne, wiss. Mitarb., | German |
Reale Außenwirtschaft | International Trade | Lecture | Clausen, | German |
Reale Außenwirtschaft | International Trade | Exercise | Clausen, | German |
Recent Developments in Econometrics | Recent Developments in Econometrics | Lecture | Hanck, Massing, | English |
Recent Developments in Econometrics | Recent Developments in Econometrics | Exercise | Hanck, | English |
Rechtswissenschaft für Ökonomen (Wirtschaftsprivatrecht) | Law for Economists | Lecture | Hamann, | German |
Rechtswissenschaft für Ökonomen (Wirtschaftsprivatrecht) | Law for Economists | Exercise | Hamann, | German |
Regenerative Energietechnik 1 | Lecture with integrated exercise | Heinzel, | German | |
Regenerative Energietechnik 2 | Lecture with integrated exercise | Heinzel, | German | |
Ringvorlesung ausgewählter Krankheitsbilder | Cycle of lectures / lecture series regarding selected disease patterns | Lecture | Dozenten der Medizin, | German |
Selected Topics in Empirical Capital Market Research | Selected Topics in Empirical Capital Market Research | Seminar | Jacobs, | English |
Selected Topics in Risk Management | Selected Topics in Risk Management | Seminar | Kiesel, | English |
Seminar zur Angewandten Ethik | Seminar in Applied Ethics | Seminar | Dozenten der Geisteswissenschaften, | German/Englisch |
Soziale Sicherung und Besteuerung: Empirische Studien | Social Security and Taxation: Empirical Studies | Lecture | Strohmaier, | English |
Soziale Sicherung und Besteuerung: Empirische Studien | Social Security and Taxation: Empirical Studies | Exercise | Strohmaier, | English |
Soziale Sicherung und Besteuerung: Theorie und Politik | Social Security and Taxation: Theory and Policy | Lecture | Strohmaier, | English |
Soziale Sicherung und Besteuerung: Theorie und Politik | Social Security and Taxation: Theory and Policy | Exercise | Strohmaier, | English |
Spezielle Themen der Weltwirtschaftsgeographie | Seminar | Juchelka, | German | |
Statistical Learning | Statistical Learning | Lecture | Deckers, | English |
Statistical Learning | Statistical Learning | Exercise | Deckers, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter(innen), | English |
Statistical Modeling of Extremes | Statistical Modeling of Extremes | Lecture | Hanck, Hoga, | English |
Statistical Modeling of Extremes | Statistical Modeling of Extremes | Exercise | Hanck, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter(innen), | English |
Statistisches Seminar | Statistical Seminar | Seminar | Behr, | German |
Steuerrecht als Teil der Marktordnung | Tax Law and Market Economy | Exercise | Schmiel, | German |
Steuerrecht als Teil der Marktordnung | Tax Law and Market Economy | Lecture with integrated Colloqium | Schmiel, | German |
Stichprobentheorie | Sampling Theory | Lecture | Behr, | German |
Stichprobentheorie | Sampling Theory | Exercise | Behr, | German |
Stochastic Simulation | Stochastic Simulation | Lecture | Massing, | English |
Stochastic Simulation | Stochastic Simulation | Exercise | Arnold, | English |
Stock Market Anomalies and Quantitative Trading Strategies | Stock Market Anomalies and Quantitative Trading Strategies | Lecture with integrated Seminar | Jacobs, | English |
Structuring and Valuation | Lecture Structuring and Valuation | Lecture | Kiesel, | English |
Structuring and Valuation | Exercises Structuring and Valuation | Exercise | Kiesel, | English |
Studienfahrt "Ökonomie, Politik und Institutionen" | Excursion „Economics and Political Institutions“ | Excursion | Lamla, | German/Englisch |
Systematische Analyse von Gesetzgebungs- und Planungsvorhaben | Systematic Analysis of Legislative Procedures and Planning Provesses | Lecture with integrated exercise | Dose, | German |
Thermodynamik und Kraftwerkstechnik | Lecture with integrated exercise | Vennegeerts, | German | |
Trading Room | Trading Room Seminar | Seminar | Kiesel, | English |
Umweltökonomik und erneuerbare Energien | Environmental Economics and Renewable Energy | Lecture | Ziel, | German |
Umweltökonomik und erneuerbare Energien | Environmental Economics and Renewable Energy | Exercise | Ziel, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter(innen), | German |
Unternehmensführung | Strategic Management (lecture) | Lecture | Ahrens, | German |
Unternehmensführung | Strategic Management (tutorial) | Exercise | Ahrens, | German |
Veranstaltungsmarketing | Event Marketing | Internship | Ridder, | German |
Vertrieb und Wettbewerb | Distribution and Competition Law | Lecture | Hamann, | German |
Vertrieb und Wettbewerb | Distribution and Competition Law | Exercise | Hamann, | German |
Weltwirtschaftsgeographie | Lecture | Juchelka, | German | |
Wettbewerbstheorie und -politik | Industrial Organization and Competition Policy (Lecture) | Lecture | Rau, | German |
Wettbewerbstheorie und -politik | Industrial Organization and Competition Policy (Exercise Course) | Exercise | Rau, | German |
Wirtschaftsstatistik | Economic (Business) Statistics | Lecture | Behr, | German |
Wirtschaftsstatistik | Economic (Business) Statistics | Exercise | Behr, | German |
Wirtschaftstheoretisches Seminar | Seminar Economic Theory | Seminar | Amann, | German |
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften und der Wirtschaftsdidaktik | Academic Writing in Economics and Teaching in Business and Economic Education | Exercise | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen oder Lehrbeauftragte der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, | German |
Wissenschaftstheorie und Forschungsmethodik | Theory of Science and Research Methods | Lecture with practical Exercise | Wasem, Neumann, Buchberger, | German |
Zeitreihenanalyse | Time Series Analysis | Lecture | Hanck, Hoga, Massing, | German |
Zeitreihenanalyse | Time Series Analysis | Exercise | Hanck, Hoga, Massing, | German |
Aus Gründen der Performance und Übersichtlichkeit wird an dieser Stelle auf die Titel und vollständigen Namen der Dozenten verzichtet und es werden nur die Nachnamen ausgegeben. Die unterschiedlichen Titel der zugehörigen Dozenten sind den Bereitstellern und Nutzern dieser Listen bekannt und bewusst.